Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Price is Right

Well I don't know if all of you where able to watch the last two The Price is Right with Bob Barker. But Tucker & I where, here is the proof! Does any one know who the new host of the show is? Poor Tucker is in denial & hasn't watched the show since the last one with Bob. I don't think it will be the same...


Gretchen said...

I have been thinking about Tucker and Price is Right these last couple of weeks. I'm sorry to say I missed his last show! tucker ha been a fan since he was a very small child.

Terada Family said...

I didn't even know Bob Barker was leaving! Unfortunately, I missed it, and I am very sad. Another chapter in life comes to an end. I just hate the fact that everything eventually ends up changing on you! :)

Doug Mortensen said...

Bob Barker was like Johny Carson — like an old friend that even if you neglected him for a long time, he was always there for you when you tuned in.

A true television icon. This change thing seems to be out of control, lately.